All About Armand

Monday, September 24, 2012

Sun City, South Africa ... beautiful, captivating & totally awe-inspiring

We've visited Sun City, South Africa last September 23, 2012, Sunday.

It's such a lovely, captivating & totally awe-inspiring tourists' attraction.

The place is beautifully constructed and architecturally built & designed!

South Africa is such a beautiful and interesting country ... Our pictures from our various travels and escapades speak for itself :) On top of this, people in SA are such a fine-looking/stunning and welcoming being ... I'm sure everyone I know who really loves adventure would not have a second thought visiting this breath-taking and wonderful place given the chance! It's great to travel and explore the world :)

This wonderful experience is indeed worth-remembering. I will be forever grateful for this one of a kind opportunity & all praises to God for this amazing life's journey.

Sun City Album
Real Wildlife Experience Album

Thursday, September 20, 2012

It's final ... I am truly happy on this recent development ... I will be coming back home this Oct. 15, 2012, Monday. My South African experience is something that I will treasure and cherish for the rest of my life. This one of a kind opportunity is such an overwhelming and humbling journey. I am forever grateful.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012


Twitter account

Facebook Page!/armand.tampos


See my FB Albums to view pictures of my various travels ...

Our Beloved Country (Philippines)

... Luzon - Batanes, Mountain Province (i.e. Banaue and Sagada), Ilocos Region, Cagayan Valley, Palawan (Underground River (Puerto Princesa), Coron & El Nido) etc.

... Visayas - Cebu, Bohol, Bacolod, Iloilo, Aklan (Boracay), etc.

... Mindanao - Davao (Pearl Farm), Cagayan de Oro, Camiguin, etc.


... Singapore, Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia), Bangkok (Thailand), Hongkong & Shenzhen (China)


South Africa

Life is beautiful!

South Africa ... real wildlife experience

My South African experience is such a wonderful experience ... real wildlife adventure and up close & personal to the Big Five (Elephant, Rhino, Buffalo, Lion and Leopard) is such a delight ...

African elephant African bush elephant
The African elephant (Loxodonta africana) is a very large herbivore having thick, almost hairless skin, a long, flexible, prehensile trunk, upper incisors forming long curved tusks of ivory, and large, fan-shaped ears. There are two distinct species of African elephant: African forest elephant (Loxodonta cyclotis) and the African bush elephant (Loxodonta africana). The elephants are difficult because despite their large size, they are able to hide in tall grass and are more likely to charge than the other species.

Black rhinoceros Black rhinoceros
The black rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis) is a large, thick-skinned herbivore having one or two upright horns on the nasal bridge. Rhinoceros may refer to either black or white rhinoceros. Among Big Five game hunters, the black rhinoceroses are preferred, although it is now critically endangered.

Cape buffalo African Cape buffalo
The African or Cape buffalo (Syncerus caffer) is a large horned bovid. Buffalo are sometimes reported to kill more people in Africa than any other animal, although the same claim is also made of hippos and crocodiles.[6] It is considered the most dangerous of the Big Five, reportedly causing the most hunter deaths,[7] with wounded animals reported to ambush and attack pursuers.

Lion Lion
The lion (Panthera leo) is a large carnivorous feline of Africa and northwest India, having a short, tawny coat, a tufted tail, and, in the male, a heavy mane around the neck and shoulders. Lions are desirable to hunters because of the very real danger involved. A lion may attack without provocation, and is considered by many to be the best of the Big Five.

Leopard Leopard
The leopard (Panthera pardus) is a large, carnivorous feline having either tawny fur with dark rosette-like markings or black fur. Of the Big Five, it is most difficult to acquire hunting licenses for leopards. The leopard is sometimes considered the most difficult of the Big Five to hunt because of their nocturnal and secretive nature. They are wary of humans and will take flight in the face of danger. The leopard is solitary by nature, and is most active between sunset and sunrise, although it may hunt during the day in some areas. Leopards can be found in the savanna grasslands, brush land and forested areas in Africa.

Life is beautiful!


Twitter account

Facebook Page!/armand.tampos

Life is beautiful!

South Africa ... an overwhelming onshore experience

Welcome to South Africa ... Before heading to Johannesburg, South Africa (June 2, 2012), I with Malou and JL got a chance to enjoy the Universal Studio, Singapore to maximize our 12 hours waiting time for our connecting flight (from Manila to Singapore then to Johannesburg) South Africa ... My first onshore work assignment ... I will be staying in South Africa for around 6 months from June 2012 to November 2012 ... During my first month along with my other friends/colleagues visited Nelson Mandela Square, Gold Reef City Theme Park, and Lion & Rhino Reserve Nature Park. We've experienced real wildlife adventure at Lion & Rhino Reserve Nature Park. Seeing rhino, cheetah, tiger, lion, leopard, etc. up close and personal is such a delight and really a humbling experience. Last July 21-22, our group visited Kruger National Park (a 12-hour travel from our place in Pretoria, South Africa). This was another once in a life time opportunity to see other animals in their natural habitat. It's great to see group of giraffes, zebras, elephants, buffalo, springboks, hyenas, etc. They are all amazing. Around August, we've visited again Lion & Rhino Reserve Nature Park together with the new team members who came around July/August (after our first visit in the place). Again, a wildlife adventure that is worth-remembering when we return to our beloved country by November 2012. Yes, we’ve experienced snow last Tuesday (Aug. 7) here in Pretoria and other cities. It was a fantastic and wonderful feeling … It’s our first time … Everybody loves it even the South Africans. Further, the group is looking forward this October 11-14, we will be visiting Cape Town. Everyone is excited to see the Table Mountains, one of the 7 New Wonders of the World (2012). I would like to thank God for this once in a lifetime opportunity. Looking forward for more travels and wonderful journey. Life is beautiful!

Sunday, January 01, 2012

Batanes ... Thanks for the great memories!

It's really a wonderful exploration @ Batanes. It cannot be denied that this province can be called as the "Paradise of the North". Thanks for the great memories ...I've experienced again another worth-remembering holiday retreat & relaxing moment.

Till next!

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Batanes Adventure ... This coming December 28, 2011

My Batanes Adventure ...

December 28, 2011
Manila to Basco
Departure: 05:15 Arrival: 07:00
Via SEAIR DG0605

January 1, 2012
Basco to Manila
Departure: 07:15 Arrival: 09:00
Via SEAIR DG0604

5D4N package.


Batan and Sabtang Island Tour
Registration /entrance fees
boat ride fees
accommodation (1 air conditioned room with cable TV)
tour guide service
van rental ( exclusive for your use only)
airport transfer
Meals ( Breakfast-5, Lunch- 4 and dinner -4) from different restaurants in Batanes.


Day 1- Arrival
Basco Town and Northern part of Batan Island
Naidi Hills ( Rolling Hills)
Basco Lighthouse
Valugan Boulder's Beach
Japanese Tunnel
Fundacion Pacita
Radar Station
Tukon Chapel

Day 2- Sabtang Island ( boat ride)
Sabtang Centro
Nakabuang Beach

Day 3 - Southern Part of Batan
Chawa View Deck
Mahatao Church
White Beach
Ivana Town
Spanish Bridge
House of Dakay
Honesty Coffee Shop
Uyugan Town
Ruins of Songsong
Rock Formation ( Alapad))
Loran Station
Imnajbu Church
Marlboro Country( RakuH- A - Payaman)
Diura Fishing Village
Spring of Youth

Day 4 - Free time
(Biking, rate is 300 for whole day, then swimming & visit for the last time some memorable places, etc.)

Day 5 - Departure
Basco to Manila

Travel is such a delight ... Love it !!!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Batanes ... Soon ...

I am really looking forward for our Batanes adventure before end of this year ... Go go go Batanes ... I'm so excited to discover your incredibly amazing beauty ...

Live fit, healthy and fabulous ... God is great!!!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Mouth-Watering Buffet Dinner @ Century Park Hotel, Manila

We’ve tried another sumptuous gastronomic experience at Century Park Hotel, Manila last September 3, 2011. I, together with my cousin Thina enjoyed a wide array of international cuisines from Asian tastes to Spanish and American viands. The foods are truly enticing both in the eyes and taste, really overwhelming.

Looking forward for another foodie adventure.

Live healthy, fit and fabulous. Life is really full of surprises. :) Love it ...

Saturday, July 09, 2011

Get-together with old pals @ H2O Hotel Manila Ocean Park

After a long haitus, my old pals during Interface days had a great time reminiscing good old days @ H2O Hotel Manila Ocean Park. We received invite from Liza to have a short chat and bonding in the very relaxing room at H2O. The place is very nice.

Looking forward for more great chats and bonding ... See you again soon ...

Berjaya Hotel Overnight Experience

Last July 2, I together with my cousin Thina and friend Arlene experienced another relaxing weekend @ Berjaya Hotel, Makati Ave. cor. Eduque St., Makati City.

We enjoyed the water in the very cold swimming pool. Also, we ate buffet dinner @ Tonyang located in Bel Air, Makati City. Then, we welcome the morning via mouth-watering buffet breakfast at Berjaya Hotel.

Life is great ... enjoy and savor it ...

Kuala Lumpur Trip, a great place to explore

My KL trip last May 27 is really worth-remembering.

Looking for more travels ... life is such a journey ... savor and enjoy it ...

Live life to the fullest ... stay fit, healthy and happy ...

Friday, May 27, 2011

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia trip tonight ...

I will be going to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia tonight, 27-May-2011 with my cousin Thina and friend Arlene. I am looking forward for another worth-remembering trip. It's great to travel ... there are so much things to learn and experience ... life is really great ... I'm really grateful ...

Saturday, May 21, 2011

All About Armand blogspot turns 6 this June 7, 2011

Time really flies fast ... All About Armand blogspot turns 6 this June 7, 2011 ... A lot of things had happened ... travel around the Philippines and some parts of Asia ... eat great and sumptuous foods ... learned various things in life ... etc. etc. etc. Life has so many things to offer ... Looking forward for more adventures in life ...

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Adventure on May 27 - May 31, 2011 ...

Another out of the country adventure this coming May 27-31, 2011 with Thina and Arlene @ Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia ... Looking forward for another fun-filled travel ...

Friday, February 04, 2011

Paradise Adventure @ El Nido, Palawan

Last Dec. 26-30, 2010 I, Thina and Arlene experience another paradise adventure in El Nido, Palawan.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Food for Thoughts

What You Think is What You'll Get
Provided by Global Health & Fitness

Your mental images manifest in your physical world. Here are some questions you need to ask yourself:

1. How can you become lean, fit and healthy if all you think about is gaining weight and eating your favorite unhealthy food?
2. How can you possibly be successful if all you think about is failing or losing?
3. How can you possibly make more money if you focus on being in debt?
4. How can you possibly get a better job if your energy is spent thinking about how much you hate your current one?

"As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he" James Allen

My Team ...

My Team ...


2010 ACN Gantimpala

August 17, 2010
Isla Ballroom of Edsa Shangrila Hotel





Sumptuous Recipes to try ...Mucho Delicioso ...

Yummy ... try these two new recipes ... Lemon & Herb Roast Chicken and Swedish Meatballs and Pasta with Mashed Potato... you will surely love it ... I've tried last Friday from Yummy cookbook ...



Another recipe you should try ... Indian-Spiced Grilled Chicken Breasts with Raita ... Yummy ... :) Mucho Delicioso ... Wait for a new one next week ... truly frustrated Chef :) hehehe

Indian-Spiced Grilled Chicken Breasts

Indian-Spiced Grilled Chicken Breasts

Indian-Spiced Grilled Chicken Breasts

Indian-Spiced Grilled Chicken Breasts with Raita

Saturday, May 01, 2010

It's been a while ...

It's May 2010 now ... next month is the 5th year of my blogspot or personal journal aka "All About Armand" ... Time really flies fast ...





Also, it's been a while since my last update ... This 2010, I together with my cousin Thina and nephew Arvin and nieces Abby & Agatha had a great bonding last January 16 at Tagaytay. We have tried and really enjoyed Zipline and horseback riding ... a truly memorable one ...

Last March 12-15, I with Thina and Arlene had given the opportunity to visit Cagayan de Oro and Camiguin in Northern Mindanao ... In CDO, we did not miss a chance to try White Water Rafting, a truly breathtaking and amazing experience. In Camiguin, we've got a chance to explore the beauty of the province ... it's really a wonderful and unforgettable vacation ... their lanzones is really sweet ...

Till next ... Live happy, healthy, and enjoy what life can offer to us ...







Saturday, December 05, 2009

Time Really Flies Fast

It is December 2009 now ... 2010 is fast approaching ... time really flies fast ...

It's been a good year to me ... I was given a chance to visit Thailand last March, Ocean Adventure & Zoobic Safari in Subic Bay last May and this coming Dec. 27 I will be visiting Coron, Palawan.

I will keep everybody's posted about my forthcoming adventure in one the best places in the Philippines.

Life is too short ... Explore, Discover and Experience the best thing life can offer ... Be happy and enjoy life to the fullest ...

Till next ...

Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Coron Palawan Adventure ... Coming Soon ...

I am looking forward for my next adventure ... very excited and anticipating for another memorable travel @ Coron Palawan ...

See you there ...

Live happy ... stay happy ... and have a wonderful and meaningful life ...

A Message to the Icon of Democracy ... Corazon C. Aquino ...

Thanks and Goodbye to our former President Corazon C. Aquino, the most well-loved Philippine President who brought back freedom to our beloved country back 1986 after toppling the late strong man Ferdinand E. Marcos during the 1986 People Power.

Maraming Salamat ... for your love to our country, for the courage, faith and sacrifices you have shown to protect/preserve our democracy that you and your husband Ninoy fought which is now being challenged by some hungry-power political figures.

You truly epitomizes the true leader having unquestionable integrity, humbleness and simplicity. May you rest in peace in the arms of our Creator.

Again, Thanks and Goodbye, Cory!!!

Saturday, June 06, 2009

All About Armand Blogspot ... It's 4 years now ...

Time really flies fast ... Four years have passed since I have created my personal journal aka Blogspot entitled "All About Armand" (June 7, 2005 - first post of "All About Armand")

Travels, adventures, great foods, new friends/acquaintances as well as frustrations in life have been part of my journey in this so called life. Most of these things are captured here in my blogspot.

Explore ... Experience the joy that life can offer ...

Have a happy life ... stay happy and live healthy !!!




Sunday, May 31, 2009

One Fine Day @ Ocean Adventure & Zoobic Safari

Another memorable experience @ Ocean Adventure & Zoobic Safari last May 30, 2009 with Judith, Raquel with cousin and Joan.

Ocean Adventure_Zoobic Safari

Ocean Adventure_Zoobic Safari

Ocean Adventure_Zoobic Safari

Ocean Adventure_Zoobic Safari

Ocean Adventure_Zoobic Safari

Ocean Adventure_Zoobic Safari

Ocean Adventure_Zoobic Safari

It is really great to enjoy life to the fullest ... explore & experience ...

Sunday, April 12, 2009

It is great to experience simple things again ...

Armand enthuses ...

After a couple of years going to beaches, mountains, and historical places, this 2009, Armand has spent the long weekend holiday staying at home. It is also a wonderful experience to stay at home watching dvd, cooking, reading, attending one of my passions - doing scrapbook, and of course sleeping :) hehehe :)

For the past 3 days also, I did not open the computer or browse the web which allows me to rest and do the basic things in life ... still doing trivial matter is sometimes great to experience again and again ...

Simple living is still the best to experience ... :)

Have a happy and healthy life ... :)

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

My Personal Websites and Collection of Pictures & Videos

View Sites

Armand's Adventures: Pictures & Videos

Armand Online: Hongkong & Shenzhen, China Adventure

Armand Online: Singapore Adventure

Armand's Personal Website

See posted blog below entitled, "It is truly Amazing Thailand ... A wonderful and exciting travel" ... - March, 2009

It is great to travel ...

Hello Everybody,


It's already the second quarter of the year 2009. Time is really fast and people are really busy doing their own stuff in life. In our days now, its very difficult to keep idle and just keep waiting on the passing of time which is considered as precious without doing nothing productive. As everybody keeps moving, thinking, and doing tasks at one time I am personally trying my best to accomplish things to make my existence more meaningful and of course happy.

I would like to share some of my memorable and meaningful adventures for the past first quarter (2009).

See posted blog below entitled, "It is truly Amazing Thailand ... A wonderful and exciting travel" ...

Stay happy and live healthy ...


Saturday, March 28, 2009

It is truly Amazing Thailand ... A wonderful and exciting travel ...

Last March 11-14, I together with my cousin Thina visited Thailand. Our travel is truly amazing. We did not waste any single moment to savor the rich culture of Thai people. We are given the chance to experience the one of a kind floating market. Also, we really enjoyed like a child when we visited Siam Discovery (the largest aquarium/oceanarium in Southeast Asia) and Dream World (Thai Disneyland version). It is also a great experience watching Siam Niramit, dubbed as one of the world spectacular shows that showcases Thai history and culture.

In addition, we witnessed how Thai people really value their heritage through their grandest temples in all places we have visited. It is a wonderful experience to see also various Thai Elephants with their amusing antics during The Elephant Show. Also, another breathtaking experience is seeing The Crocodile Show wherein life and death are name of the game.

I am really hoping that I will be given another chance to visit Thailand in the near future to experience more adventures.

It is great to travel!!!

Till then.










Saturday, February 21, 2009

Visiting Thailand this coming March 11-15

It's been a long time before I have given another chance to update my blogspot.

A lot of travels have happened but not posted here. After my last post, I've visited Pearl Farm Beach Resort in Davao City last October, 2007.

Also, I've been to Batangas, Palm Beach Resort (La Frondosa) during our Capital One Summer Getaway last March, 2008. After a week, during Holy Week, I have spent my vacation in Bolinao, Pangasinan.

I have spent also my birthday this year (actually one day after my birthday (June 18)) in Boracay.

Finally, my last vacation was last December, 2008 in Zambales. I have enjoyed island hopping, namely, Potipot Island, & Camara, Capones and Anawangin Islands.

Nevertheless, I am back again and will start posting another milestone in my life.

This coming March 11-15, I will be visiting another country in Asia with my cousin. We will be visiting Thailand this summer vacation. Another exciting adventure and I am really sure this will be another enjoyable & memorable travel.

Amazing Thailand

Wat Pho

Live life to the fullest. Enjoy and savor it ... !!! It's great to travel ...

Zambales Tour - Potipot, Camara, Capones & Anawangin Islands - Dec., 2008

Zambales Tour

Anawangin Island

Camara Island

Pampanga - Nayong Pilipino, Clark - Nov. 2008

Nayong Pilipino, Clark Pampanga - 2008

Nayong Pilipino, Clark Pampanga - 2008

Nayong Pilipino, Clark Pampanga - 2008

AMDEX - EK Teambuilding - Nov. 2008

Enchanted Kingdom - 2008

Boracay - June, 2008

Boracay - June, 2008

Boracay - June, 2008

Batangas Summer Outing - Palm Beach Resort (La Frondosa) - March, 2008

Batangas - 2008

Batangas - 2008

Batangas - 2008

Batangas - 2008

Davao City and Pearl Farm Resort - October, 2007

Davao City - October, 2007

Pearl Farm Beach Resort, Davao - October, 2007